The most unique aspect of the School Olympic Games is the Olympic Education Period. This is a time during which the concept of the Olympic Games is introduced, information stands and exhibitions on Olympic history are compiled, and quizzes and different contests are held, including a Fair Play contest, literature- and art contest, mascot contest, etc. The Olympic Education Period gives both teachers and students a chance to use their imagination and experience the beauty and pain of teamwork. The length of the Olympic Education Period is determined based on the ideas and capabilities of each school. A good few schools have even chosen the Olympic Games as a theme throughout the whole school year.
The compulsory elements of the Olympic Education Period:
1. the organization of the School Olympic Games Committee;
2. the introduction of the history and the present day state of the Olympic Movement in different subject classes;
3. the School Olympic Games mascot contest;
4. the compilation of an Olympic-themed wall display;
5. the organisation of a quiz on the Olympics;
6. the Fair Play contest.
It is recommended that the Olympic Education Program includes:
• a sports-themed essay contest;
• a sports-themed art contest;
• a contest for the designing of the diploma, logo or medals of the School Olympic Games;
• meetings with well-known athletes;
• a contest for the most athletic teacher (physical education teachers should not take part in this contest);
• a visit to the Estonian Sports Museum, etc.